a woman who has sacrificed her voice to be respected. a ‘straight white man’ grappling with the gravity of his privilege. a disabled trans man placing his trust in the world to see him. three stories are woven together by the enduring myth of ‘prometheus.’ – the titan who created us out of clay.
‘prometheus.’ celebrates the importance of storytelling and the bonds that unite us. in an explosion of music, poetry, and myth, three performers and one musician unravel the threads of power, identity, and what it means to be human.
upcoming performances
the blue room (summer nights)
4th february – 8th of february 2025
the blue room theatre, northbridge
this venue is wheelchair accessible.
the courtyard of curiosities (adelaide fringe)
20th february – 2nd march 2025
the migration museum, adelaide
this venue is wheelchair accessible.
original creative team
lead artist & director
robbie fieldwick (he/they)
playwright & producer
emmett aster (he/him)
assistant producer
mary castle (she/her)
stage manager
dana brennan (she/her)
set and costume designer
& assistant stage manager
teaghan lowry (they/she)
marketing manager
demelza walkey (she/her)
publicity manager
abi russel (she/her)
original cast
rachel abelha (she/her)
hunter perry (he/him)
emmett aster (he/him)
live musician & sound design
benjamin vaughan (he/him)
official reviews
this theatre production is a hidden gem of fringe world festival, meaty and profound.
in the intimate surroundings of dadaa theatre, three actors, plus an acoustic guitarist and singer, weave poetry, music and movement into an unmissable performance. more than just a modern retelling of the myth of one of the most famous titans of greek mythology, prometheus forces you to examine your relationship to your body, to fire, to your voice, to life itself.
watching this performance was like being cracked open, blood and bone and fat spilling out of me. there were tears, snaps of fingers and cheers as the performers filled the stage with their presence and emotionally brutal words and depictions…
‘prometheus.’ is intimate, deeply personal and thought-provoking. you’ll find yourself ruminating on this for hours if not days and encouraging your friends and family to see it in the nights that follow.
megan hogan, fringefeed
‘prometheus.’ is a fantastic dive into a well-known story giving fresh perspective and a fantastic delivery. these storytellers are vivid, imaginative, and show fantastic artistic expression joined with a great team.
riley jackson, magazine 6000
delving through examinations of the importance of body, fire, and one’s own voice, the poetry-meets-script style works well to explore the topics in an interesting way… the live music adds interest and dimension through the piece, with lyrics that are additive to both the mood as well as the points being emphasised.
this is a show i would recommend catching if it crops up again. it is a well-crafted link between mythology and the modern condition, and one that will leave the audience thinking about their own side of the well-presented story.
audience testimonials
a show that made me weep and rage but also hope. a magnificent performance by all involved. storytelling at its finest.
christine b., fringe react
woah. gonna need a script and soundtrack released. and a filmed version. would watch this over and over and over and –
sophie m., fringe react
‘prometheus.’ is another of perhaps, a theatre company.‘s shows that have left me feeling just as vulnerable as the writing. an absolutely beautiful show with a gorgeous soundtrack and just the right amount of introspectivity. loved this one a lot.
sam l., fringe react
emotionally brutal and incredibly personal, it had me in tears multiple times. the whole thing will have you in goosebumps and reflecting on how you perceive the world.
theresa w., fringe react
young creatives like the ones behind ‘prometheus.’ need to be seen and heard. 10/10. can’t wait to see what they do next.
aidan j., fringe react
© 2023 perhaps. a theatre company